Join us.
EDF Competition Team.
Team members will be selected either by invitation or by audition.
Join our 2024-2025 Competition Team.
Email to schedule a private audition, if you would like to be considered for the team.
Elite Dance Force Competition Teams
The EDF Competition team is comprised of five teams, each divided into three sub-teams—Premiere, Apprentice, and Team—based on age, experience, and skill level. All teams will participate in two local competitions and the annual Dance Showcase. The Apprentice and Team levels will advance to Nationals and compete in any regional competitions that involve travel. Premiere teams, however, will not attend Nationals or traveling regional competitions. Opportunities for Solo/Duet/Trio performances, small groups, and pre-professional endeavors will be determined by the studio director.
Dancers will be assigned to technique classes appropriate for their level. The decision to start students on the Cecchetti curriculum will be made by studio owners and coaches. Placement within the American Ballet Theatre Curriculum Level will be determined by the studio owner and directors.
EDF Minis
Age 4+
Mini Team: EDF Mini Team dancers will compete in two different local competitions. Dancers have the option to attend the selected National Competition.
EDF Petites
Age 7+
Petite Premiere: EDF Petite Premiere dancers will compete in two different local regional competitions.
Petite Apprentice: EDF Petite Apprentice dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
Petite Team: EDF Petite Team dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
EDF Juniors
Age 9+
Junior Premiere: EDF Junior Premiere dancers will compete in two different local regional competitions.
Junior Apprentice: EDF Junior Apprentice dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
Junior Team: EDF Junior Team dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
EDF Teens
Age 12+
Teen Premiere: EDF Teen Premiere dancers will compete in two different local regional competitions.
Teen Apprentice: EDF Teen Apprentice dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
Teen Team: EDF Teen Team dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
EDF Seniors
Age 13+
Senior Premiere: EDF Senior Premiere dancers will compete in two different local regional competitions.
Senior Apprentice: EDF Senior Apprentice dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
Senior Team: EDF Senior Team dancers will compete in three different regional competitions and a studio selected National Competition.
EDF Pre-Professional Elite Teams
Dancers aged 10+ from Apprentice and Team levels can audition for an Elite team which is our pre-professional program for dedicated dancers looking to further their training. These groups have an additional regional, convention, and group peice.
EDF Jr. Elite
Besides the requirements of their competition team, the Jr. Elite Team requires dancers to:
Take part in an additional ballet class each week
Attend an additional regional competition
Attend a dance convention
Perform an additional routine at all competitions
EDF Teen Elite
Besides the requirements of their competition team, the Teen Elite Team requires dancers to:
Take part in an additional ballet class each week
Attend an additional regional competition
Attend a dance convention
Perform an additional routine at all competitions
EDF Elite Team
Besides the requirements of their competition team, the Elite Team requires dancers to:
Take part in an additional ballet class each week
Attend an additional regional competition
Attend a dance convention
Perform two additional routines at all competitions

Team Member Attributes
We strive to attain common goals and we are concerned about the well-being of all.
We work hard to become skilled dancers.
We listen to our teachers, applying the corrections that are given.
We do our utmost to be at every practice.
We appreciate the opportunity to dance.
We treat our teammates, teachers, parents and competitors with respect and care.
We are appreciative of the awards we are given.
We represent our families and studio with integrity and pride.
Code of Conduct
Elite Dance Force competition team members are held to a high standard in order to create a safe and welcome environment for all to thrive.
National Competition
Elite Dance Force attends one out of state National Competition each year. All members of the Competition Team that are required to attend Nationals are expected at the associated practices before the event. There are practices that will be scheduled after recital and through the National Competition. We ask that parents keep this in mind as they make their vacation plans. We attempt to schedule our National participation within two and no more than three weeks after recital. Plans for the National will be decided by the end of October each year giving all participants ample notice of the required dates.
Why join a competitive dance team?
Joining a competitive dance team can offer a whole new world of opportunities and experiences.
What to expect at dance competitions.
Although every competition is different, here’s what you can expect— from arrival, to the event, to final awards.
5 things every dance parent should know
Here are five things that every dance parent should bear in mind as they begin their dance journey.